1 | Be, Pronouns |
2 | Family, Syllables and Stress, Possession, Pronouns, Who |
3 | School, And/Or, Where, What, Weather |
4 | Food, Shopping, Singular/Plural, Non-count Nouns, Measurement |
5 | At Home, Prepositions, This, That, These, Those |
6 | In the Community |
7 | Present Continuous |
8 | Pronouns, Money, Jobs, Can, Questions |
9 | The Body, Health, Measurement, Pronouns |
10 | Habitual Present Statements, Frequency Adverbs, Paragraphs and Modal Introduction |
11 | Habitual Present Negative, Questions |
12 | Habitual Present vs. Present Continuous Non-Continuous Verbs |
13 | Comparative, Superlative |